Between 2017 and 2018, several farms of Bulgaria reported H5 H5 High Pathogen H5 (HPAI) virus outbreaks. In this study, we used genomic and traditional epidemiological analyzes to trace the origin and subsequent propagation of these epidemics in Bulgaria. The two methods indicate two distinct incursions, a limited to the northeastern region of Dobrich, and another largely limited to Central and Eastern Bulgaria, including places such as Plovdiv, Sliven and Stara Zagora, as well as a virus from the western region of vidin. The two epidemics probably come from different European ancestors virus circulating in 2017. Viruses have probably been introduced by wild birds or commercial poultry links in 2017 and continued to circulate, but because of the lack of sampling. and contemporary sequences of wild bird viruses. In Bulgaria, the precise way and the schedule of the introduction can not be determined.
The analysis of entire genomes indicates a total lack of reallocation in all segments, but the engine of the matrix protein (MP), which has several smaller clusters associated with different European viruses The ancestral reconstruction of the host states of the hemagglutinin virus gene (ha) of the viruses involved in epidemics suggests that the transmission is driven by domestic ducks in galliform poultry. Thus, according to current evidence, we suggest the surveillance of domestic ducks because they constitute an epidemiological species for a subclinical infection. Monitor the propagation due to the movement between farms in regions and links to poultry production systems in European countries can help predict and prevent future epidemics. Line which caused the circulation of the largest poultry epidemic registered in Europe and the risk of subsequent transmission of wild birds during migration remains
Genetic diversity, reproductive capacity and alkaloids are in three endemic alkanna species
The endemic species Balkans Alkanna Primuliflora Grateb., A. Stribnyi Velen. And A. Graeca wood. & Spruner have limited distribution in the Balkan peninsula and a great variation in morphological characteristics. The populations of the three alkanna species of the Bulgarian flora are small and fragmented. There are no previous reports on the chemical profile or the embryology of these species. The hypothesis was that the limited distribution of A. Primululiflora, A. Stribnyi, and A. Graeca was due to their reproductive capacity and genetic diversity. In addition, we hypothesized that the three species will contain pyrrolizidin (not) alkaloids, such as other alkanna (boraginaceae) species, but they would have a differential composition of the alkaloids.
The genetic structure and differentiation of the population showed a clear distinction between the species and revealed average levels of genetic diversity between the natural populations of the three species of Alkanna. The embryotological survey observed the stability of processes in the male and feminine-generating spheres and the high viability of the mature pollen and the embryo of the three species. The normal training of male and feminine gametophytes without deviations or degenerative processes, and the observed levels of the genetic diversity between people of Alkanna are important to maintain the size and resilience of Alkanna populations. Eight alkaloids were identified by GC-MS in A. Primuliflora and A. Graeca and six alkaloids of A. stribnyi.
The main alkaloids of pyrrolizidine (not) of all species studied were triangularine. A. Primuliflora and A. Graeca showed a similar chemical composition comprising 9-angeloylreginecine, 7-tumitum, 9-tumitable, triangularicine, dihydroxytrangue, dihydroxytriangulin, while in A. stribrnyi 9-tagloylroncine, triangularicine and the dihydroxytriangularicin have not been found. This is the first report on the presence of steps in A. Primuliflora, A. Stribnyi and A. Graeca.
Machine learning approaches for sex estimating using cranial measures
The purpose of this study is to apply support vector machines (SVM) and the artificial neuronal network (ANN) as sex classifiers and generate useful classification templates for a measurement-based sexual estimate. Cranials. In addition, the performance of the generated sub-symbolic automatic learning models is compared to models developed by logistic regression (LR). The study was carried out on images of calculated tomography of 393 Bulgarian adults (169 males and 224 women).
The three-dimensional coordinates of 47 benchmarks were acquired and used to calculate the cranial measures. A total of 64 measures (linear distances, angles, triangle and height areas) and 22 indices were calculated. Two datasets have been assembled, including linear measurements and all measurements and measurements and index, respectively. A third additional dataset comprising all possible intermediate distances between landmarks has been constructed. Two automatic-SVM and ANN automatic learning algorithms and a traditional statistical analysis LR-have been applied to generate sexual estimation models. In addition, two advanced attribute selection techniques (Weka Bestfirst and Weka GeneticSearch) were used. The accuracy of the model classification has been evaluated using a cross-validation procedure of 10 × 10 times. The three methods obtained accuracy results greater than 95%.
Description: Podophyllotoxin, a kind of non-alkaloid toxin lignan extracted from the roots and rhizomes of Podophyllum plant, has been shown to inhibit the growth of various carcinoma cells.
Description: Podophyllotoxin, a kind of non-alkaloid toxin lignan extracted from the roots and rhizomes of Podophyllum plant, has been shown to inhibit the growth of various carcinoma cells.
Description: Podophyllotoxin, a kind of non-alkaloid toxin lignan extracted from the roots and rhizomes of Podophyllum plant, has been shown to inhibit the growth of various carcinoma cells.
Description: AC mAb-X purification resin is a special protein A resin.Matrix: high rigidity agarose; particle size: 40~120 μm; ligand: recombinant alkali-resistant Protein A (~24KD); ADC purification resin.
Description: AC Antibody purification resin 2 is based on spherical, highly cross-linked agarose beads with a narrow size distribution and high mechanical stability. Used for the separation and purification of complex antibodies such as monoclonal antibody, double antibody, multi-antibody and Fc fusion protein.Substrate: highly crosslinked agarose microspheres; Particle size: 65μm; Ligand: alkali-resistant recombinant Protein A; ADC purified resin.
Description: AC Antibody purification resin 1 is a nano agarose with a particle size of 69μm. AC Antibody purification resin 1 can be used in ADC purification. AC Antibody purification resin 1 contains a ligand: recombinant protein A.
The best precision (96.1 ± 0.5%) was obtained by SVM and it was statistically higher than the best results obtained by ANN and LR. SVM and ANN have reached a higher precision by training on complete data sets that selection datasets, with the exception of the sample described by the intermediate distances, where the reduction of the attributes by the algorithm of Genecesearch has improved accuracy. The purpose of this study is to deepen our knowledge of painting materials and technological characteristics of iconography during the Bulgarian national renaissance. Our efforts focused on the study of the murals of the Catholicon Church (Main Church) “The Nativity of the Virgin” of the Rila Monastery, which is one of Bulgarian historical monuments. A series of micro-samples from the altar wall paints were analyzed by a combination of totenuated reflectance of the totenuated reflectance transform infrared (ATR-FTIIR), micro-Raman spectroscopy, X-ray spectroscopy with scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDS), X-Removal Diffraction (XRD), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Optical Microscopy (OM).