Psychosocial school environment and health risk behaviours of adolescents in Bulgaria: results from multilevel analysis

Objectives: The document aims to study the relations between psychosocial environment and health risk behaviors (cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, drunkenness, perpetration of intimidation and early start of sex life) in a representative sample of Bulgarian teenagers .
Methods: We apply multilevel analysis, using Bulgarian health behavior data 2017/2018 in the study of school age children (HBSC).
Results: There is a significant variation between the schools of Bulgaria in the proportions of students who smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, are drunk and have an early start of sex life. The satisfaction of the lower school is considerably associated with chances of smoking and higher drunkenness. The effect of the pressure of the school differs for the perpetration of smoking and intimidation. The effect of student assistance also differs for certain types of health risk behaviors. The support of higher students is positively associated with frequent consumption of alcohol and drunkenness. The relationship between teacher support and alcohol abuse is negative.

Conclusions: There is an important association between the characteristics of the psychosocial school environment and the health behaviors of Bulgarian adolescents (smoking, alcohol consumption, intoxication, perpetration of intimidation). Global and efficient health promotion policies in Bulgarian schools are needed to facilitate healthy lifestyles. The most commonly heterogeneous and clinically heterogeneous carcinomas and the most common malignant tumor of the urinary tract in developed countries in the world, where several control point cubes as a ligand-1 programmed death (PD- L1) and programmed cell death proteins (PD- 1) received the most attention in the treatment of bladder cancer. However, the clinical impact of this biomarker has not yet been established.


Contribution of metabolic syndrome components to cognitive performance in middle-aged adults

The metabolic syndrome (dishes) has been associated with altered cognition in different cognitive domains. This study investigated the association between diseases and the cognitive functioning of middle-aged Bubarians on different definitions of the severity of dishes. Our transverse sample included 112 participants (67 without briefcase and 45 with maletics) with an average age of 50.04 ± 3.31 years. The following method variables have been considered as the presence of dishes, permanently measured dishes, dichotomized dishes components, the number of dishes components present and the gravity score of metabolic syndrome (MSSS). The cognitive performance of the participants was evaluated using the consortium to establish a register of the neuropsychological battery of Alzheimer’s disease (CERAD-NB).

We used multivariate regression models to investigate associations between different measures of the severity of the dishes and total and CERAD-NB sub-test scores. On several definitions, the dishes have been associated with lower cognitive functioning and the severity of the bets appeared to be a better predictor than most components of the MET. Recognition and reduction of the severity of dishes components may be useful for supporting cognitive operation. Additional longitudinal research is needed to lose more light on the relationship between dishes and cognitive functioning throughout the life. This document includes a catalog of the type of genuine butterflies (papironoida) kept in the National Museum of Natural History at the Bulgarian Academy of Sofia Sciences.


The collection contains types of nine group taxa of nominal species, described by S. Abadjiev, S. Beshkov, I. Buresch, H. Rebel and K. Tuxchkow. The lectotypes have been designated for colias myrmidone Balcanica Rebel, 1901, Erebia Tyndarus Macedonica Buresch, 1919, E. Pirinica Buresch, 1919, Euchloe Gruneri Macedonica Buresch, 1921, Sathusa Strumata Buresch, 1919 and Dorite Apollinus Var. Thracica Buresch, 1915.

 Psychosocial school environment and health risk behaviours of adolescents in Bulgaria: results from multilevel analysis
Psychosocial school environment and health risk behaviours of adolescents in Bulgaria: results from multilevel analysis

NMR profiling of North and Bulgarian Macedonian honeys for the detection of botanical and geographical origin

Bulgaria and North Macedonia have a long history of the production and use of honey; However, there is a clear lack of systematic and deepened research on honey from both countries. Honey oak honey is of particular interest because it is highly appreciated by consumers because of its health benefits. The objective of this study was to characterize honey and floral honey from Bulgaria and North Macedonia based on their NMR profiles. The 1D and 2D 1H and 13C-NMR spectra were measured by 16 North Macedonian honey samples and 22 Bulgarian honey samples.

In total, 25 individual substances have been identified, including quinovose, which was found for the first time at honey. Chemometric methods (PCA-main component analysis, pls-da-partial discriminating analysis, Anova-analysis of the variance) were used to detect the similarities and differences between samples, as well as to determine their botanical origin and geographical. Semicarative data on individual sugars and some other constituents have been obtained, which allowed the reliable classification of honey samples by botanical and geographical origin, based on chemometric approaches.

Protein G Mag1 Agarose Resin

PG-MAG1-2 2ml beads
EUR 96

Protein G Mag1 Agarose Resin

PG-MAG1-5 5ml beads
EUR 225

Protein L Mag1 Agarose Resin

PL-MAG1-2 2ml beads
EUR 105

Protein L Mag1 Agarose Resin

PL-MAG1-5 5ml beads
EUR 247

Protein G Agarose Resin 4 Rapid Run™

4RRPG-500 500 ml
EUR 5313.75

ExtraBind Protein G Agarose Resin 6 Rapid Run™

6RRPG2-100 100 ml
EUR 1869.35

ExtraBind Protein G Agarose Resin 6 Rapid Run™

6RRPG2-25 25 ml
EUR 1155.4

ExtraBind Protein G Agarose Resin 6 Rapid Run™

6RRPG2-5 5 ml
EUR 376.05

ExtraBind Protein G Agarose Resin 6 Rapid Run™

6RRPG2-500 500 ml
EUR 5362.8

Protein A Agarose Resin

BSP095-7 1ml
EUR 112.2

Protein A Agarose Resin

BSP095-8 5ml
EUR 294.9

Protein A Agarose Resin

abx291360-100g 100 µg
EUR 2950

Protein A Agarose Resin

abx291360-20g 20 µg
EUR 475

Protein A Agarose Resin

abx291360-50g 50 µg
EUR 1400

Protein A Agarose Resin

DS0817-25ML 1 unit
EUR 382.5
Description: Protein A Agarose Resin

Protein A Agarose Resin

DS0817-5ML 1 unit
EUR 85.02
Description: Protein A Agarose Resin

Protein A Agarose Resin

PA09-100 100 ml
EUR 2512.8

Protein A Agarose Resin

PA09-25 25 ml
EUR 1110

Protein A Agarose Resin

PA09-5 5 ml
EUR 349.2

Protein A Agarose Resin (4%)

abx291361-100g 100 µg
EUR 5387.5

Protein A Agarose Resin (4%)

abx291361-20g 20 µg
EUR 612.5

Protein A Agarose Resin (4%)

abx291361-50g 50 µg
EUR 1987.5

Protein A/G Agarose Resin (4%)

abx291364-100g 100 µg
EUR 350

Protein A/G Agarose Resin (4%)

abx291364-20g 20 µg
EUR 175

Protein A/G Agarose Resin (4%)

abx291364-50g 50 µg
EUR 237.5

4% Magnetic T1 Agarose Bead

4MGT1-100 100 ml
EUR 803.25

4% Magnetic T1 Agarose Bead

4MGT1-25 25 ml
EUR 226.28

4% Magnetic Large Agarose Bead

4MGT3-100 100 ml
EUR 803.25

4% Magnetic Large Agarose Bead

4MGT3-25 25 ml
EUR 226.28

Protein A Agarose Resin 4 Rapid Run

4RRPA-100 100 ml
EUR 3193.2

Protein A Agarose Resin 4 Rapid Run

4RRPA-25 25 ml
EUR 1584

Protein A Agarose Resin 4 Rapid Run

4RRPA-5 5 ml
EUR 463.2

QRRPT1 Rapid Run™ (High Sub) Agarose Bead

QRRPT1-25 25 ml
EUR 72.04

QRRPT1 Rapid Run™ (High Sub) Agarose Bead

QRRPT1-300 300 ml
EUR 497.73

Protein A/G Agarose Resin 4 Rapid Run

4RRPAG-05 0.5 ml
EUR 106.8

Protein A/G Agarose Resin 4 Rapid Run

4RRPAG-1 1 ml
EUR 156

Protein A/G Agarose Resin 4 Rapid Run

4RRPAG-2 2 ml
EUR 252

Protein L Agarose Resin

4BCLPL-10 10 ml
EUR 471.6

Protein L Agarose Resin

4BCLPL-2 2 ml
EUR 236.4

Protein L Agarose Resin

4BCLPL-5 5 ml
EUR 340.8

Protein L Agarose Resin

abx291363-100g 100 µg
EUR 625

Protein L Agarose Resin

abx291363-20g 20 µg
EUR 337.5

Protein L Agarose Resin

abx291363-50g 50 µg
EUR 462.5

Protein G Agarose Resin

DS0818-25ML 1 unit
EUR 469.78
Description: Protein G Agarose Resin

Protein G Agarose Resin

DS0818-5ML 1 unit
EUR 104.42
Description: Protein G Agarose Resin

Protein L Agarose Resin

DS0820-25ML 1 unit
EUR 2004.08
Description: Protein L Agarose Resin

Protein L Agarose Resin

DS0820-5ML 1 unit
EUR 445.42
Description: Protein L Agarose Resin

Protein G Agarose Resin

SF022-PG 5ml
EUR 930

Protein G Agarose Resin (4%)

abx291362-100g 100 µg
EUR 2212.5

Protein G Agarose Resin (4%)

abx291362-20g 20 µg
EUR 525

Protein G Agarose Resin (4%)

abx291362-50g 50 µg
EUR 1350

Protein G Agarose Resin 4 RAPID RUN

4RRPG-100 100 ml
EUR 1771.2

Protein G Agarose Resin 4 RAPID RUN

4RRPG-25 25 ml
EUR 1064.4

Protein G Agarose Resin 4 RAPID RUN

4RRPG-5 5 ml
EUR 386.4

Protein G Agarose High Flow Resin

COP28 25mL
EUR 1280
Description: Chromatography Reagents

Biotin Agarose Resin

4BCL-BI-10 10 ml
EUR 493.2

Biotin Agarose Resin

4BCL-BI-5 5 ml
EUR 282

Nickel Agarose Resin

abx291340-100g 100 µg
EUR 6550

Nickel Agarose Resin

abx291340-20g 20 µg
EUR 562.5

Nickel Agarose Resin

abx291340-50g 50 µg
EUR 1787.5

Biotin Agarose Resin

abx291342-100g 100 µg Ask for price

Biotin Agarose Resin

abx291342-20g 20 µg
EUR 412.5

Biotin Agarose Resin

abx291342-50g 50 µg
EUR 687.5

Ni-NTA Agarose Resin

DS0821-25ML 1 unit
EUR 2003.45
Description: Ni-NTA Agarose Resin

Ni-NTA Agarose Resin

DS0821-5ML 1 unit
EUR 445.42
Description: Ni-NTA Agarose Resin

Glutathione Agarose Resin

4B-GLU-10 10 ml
EUR 207.6

Glutathione Agarose Resin

4B-GLU-100 100 ml
EUR 1195.2

Glutathione Agarose Resin

abx291341-100g 100 µg Ask for price

Glutathione Agarose Resin

abx291341-20g 20 µg
EUR 325

Glutathione Agarose Resin

abx291341-50g 50 µg
EUR 1700

Glutathione Agarose Resin

DS0819-25ML 1 unit
EUR 288.31
Description: Glutathione Agarose Resin

Glutathione Agarose Resin

DS0819-5ML 1 unit
EUR 64.11
Description: Glutathione Agarose Resin

Ni-IDA Agarose Resins

G251 25 ml
EUR 445

Ni-IDA Agarose Resins

G253 100 ml
EUR 1180

Glutathione Agarose Resins

G241 10 ml
EUR 295

Glutathione Agarose Resins

G289 100 ml
EUR 2255

Nickel NTA Agarose Resin

6BCL-NTANi-100 100 ml
EUR 781.2

Nickel NTA Agarose Resin

6BCL-NTANi-25 25 ml
EUR 260.4

Nickel NTA Agarose Resin

6BCL-NTANi-500 500 ml
EUR 3100.8

Streptavidin 6HC Agarose Resin

abx291343-100g 100 µg
EUR 1162.5

Streptavidin 6HC Agarose Resin

abx291343-20g 20 µg
EUR 425

Streptavidin 6HC Agarose Resin

abx291343-50g 50 µg
EUR 687.5

Streptavidin 6HC Agarose Resin

STV6HC-10 10 ml
EUR 478.8

Streptavidin 6HC Agarose Resin

STV6HC-20 20 ml
EUR 822

Streptavidin 6HC Agarose Resin

STV6HC-5 5 ml
EUR 284.4

Protein A agarose gel

EA-IP-015 2mL
EUR 105
Description: Primary Antibodies

Nickel Nitrilotriacetic (NTA) Agarose Resin

abx291337-100g 100 µg
EUR 4425

Nickel Nitrilotriacetic (NTA) Agarose Resin

abx291337-20g 20 µg
EUR 400

Nickel Nitrilotriacetic (NTA) Agarose Resin

abx291337-50g 50 µg
EUR 1137.5

DiagAg™ Alkali Resistant Protein A Agarose Particles, 60 µm

DAG-CL23-06 25 mL
EUR 4400

Protein A Agarose IP Reagent

abx097210-100l 100 µl
EUR 200

Protein A Agarose IP Reagent

abx097210-1ml 1 ml Ask for price

Protein A Agarose IP Reagent

abx097210-200l 200 µl Ask for price

Protein A Agarose IP Reagent

abx097210-2ml 2 ml
EUR 326.4

Protein A Agarose IP Reagent

MBS826731-2mL 2mL
EUR 185

Protein A Agarose IP Reagent

MBS826731-5x2mL 5x2mL
EUR 750

Protein A/G Affinity Agarose

EA-IP-007 2mL
EUR 80
Description: Primary Antibodies

Endotoxin-Free Protein A Agarose

EP-017 1 ml
EUR 439.2

Protein A/G Agarose Max Flow

20-539 0.5ml/Unit
EUR 108.35
Description: Highly Cross-linked Beads, 4%

Protein A/G Agarose Max Flow

20-540 1ml/Unit
EUR 133.51
Description: Highly Cross-linked Beads, 4%

Protein A/G Agarose Max Flow

20-541 2ml/Unit
EUR 256.66
Description: Highly Cross-linked Beads, 4%

Protein A&G Agarose IP Reagent

abx097212-100l 100 µl
EUR 200

Protein A&G Agarose IP Reagent

abx097212-1ml 1 ml Ask for price

Protein A&G Agarose IP Reagent

abx097212-200l 200 µl Ask for price

Protein A&G Agarose IP Reagent

abx097212-2ml 2 ml
EUR 326.4

Protein A&G Agarose IP Reagent

MBS826733-2mL 2mL
EUR 185

Protein A&G Agarose IP Reagent

MBS826733-5x2mL 5x2mL
EUR 750

DNA, Salmon Testes, (Protein A Agarose)

MBS653504-25mL 2.5mL
EUR 860

DNA, Salmon Testes, (Protein A Agarose)

MBS653504-5x25mL 5x2.5mL
EUR 3725

Protein A/G/L, Recombinant (Agarose)

MBS637644-1mL 1mL
EUR 545

Protein A/G/L, Recombinant (Agarose)

MBS637644-5x1mL 5x1mL
EUR 2310

Staphylococcal Protein A, agarose-conjugated

AS20-4470 2 ml bed volume
EUR 435

Agarose A

D0012 50g
EUR 96.54

ToxOut? Endotoxin-Free Protein A Agarose

M1320-1 each
EUR 314.4

ToxOut? Endotoxin-Free Protein A Agarose

M1320-25 each
EUR 2140.8

ToxOut? Endotoxin-Free Protein A Agarose

M1320-5 each
EUR 692.4

Protein L Agarose

20-533 2ml/Unit
EUR 273.72
Description: Cross-linked Beads, 4%

Protein L Agarose

20-534 5ml/Unit
EUR 542.41
Description: Cross-linked Beads, 4%

Protein L Agarose

20-535 10ml/Unit
EUR 786
Description: Cross-linked Beads, 4%

Protein G / Agarose

gel-agg-2 2 ml
EUR 288.75

Protein G / Agarose

gel-agg-5 5 ml
EUR 569.1

Protein L / Agarose

gel-protl-5 5 ml
EUR 352.8

Protein A goat polyclonal antibody, Agarose

AP09111AG-N 20 mg Ask for price

Protein A, S. aureus, Cowan Strain (Agarose)

MBS635426-5mL 5mL
EUR 615

Protein A, S. aureus, Cowan Strain (Agarose)

MBS635426-5x5mL 5x5mL
EUR 2620

The results allowed us to distinguish the honey honey oak from other types of honey and determine the country of origin. The NMR was a fast and practical method, thus avoiding the need for other more tedious analytical techniques. The first Bulgarian retrospective study of hospitalized patients of COVID-19 was presented. Age, male sex, comorbidity and signs of dyspnea and nausea have been estimated as higher risk factors for a serious form. The anomaly in inflammatory markers was associated with a poor progression of the disease.

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