Genome-wide characterization of i-motifs and their potential roles in the stability and evolution of transposable elements in rice

I-motifs (iMs) are non-canonical DNA secondary structures that fold from cytosine (C)-rich genomic DNA regions termed putative i-motif forming sequences (PiMFSs). The structure of iMs is stabilized by hemiprotonated C-C base pairs, and their functions are now suspected in key cellular processes in human cells such as genome stability and regulation of gene transcription. In … Read more

Nitrogen assimilation and photosynthetic capacity of wheat genotypes under optimal and deficient nitrogen supply

Nitrogen assimilation and photosynthetic capacity of wheat genotypes under optimal and deficient nitrogen supply

The performance of two varieties of contrasting Bulgarian wheat (Slomer, a former cultivar and enola, a modern half-dwarf) with nitrogen deficiency has been compared by measuring biochemical parameters characterizing absorption and assimilation as well as growth and the photosynthetic activity of young young plants. The old genotype has made better photosynthetic capacity, higher assimilation, expressed … Read more

Checklist and provisional atlas of singing cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Bulgaria, based on bioacoustics

Checklist and provisional atlas of singing cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Bulgaria, based on bioacoustics

Background: The Cicadas Singers (hemiptera: cigadidae) of Bulgaria were poorly known. There are records published for 14 species: Cicada Orni, Lyrists Plebejus, Cicadatra Atra, Cicadatra Hyalina, Cicadatra Persica, Cicadatta Persica, Cicadetta Montana, Cicadetta Mediterranea, Timissaleta Dimissa, Oliglena Tibialis, Tympanistalis Gastrica, Pagiphora Annulata, Saiticula Coriaria, Tibicina Haematodes and Tibicina Steveni. New information: Two species of this … Read more

A feasibility study on the association between residential greenness and neurocognitive function in middle-aged Bulgarians

A feasibility study on the association between residential greenness and neurocognitive function in middle-aged Bulgarians

Recent research indicated that exposure to residential vegetation (“greenery”) may be protective against cognitive decline and can support the integrity of the corresponding brain structures. However, it is still unclear about these effects, especially in less rich and middle-aged countries. In this study, we investigated the associations between greenery and neurocognitive function. We used a … Read more

Altered electroencephalographic networks in developmental dyslexia after remedial training: a prospective case-control study

Altered electroencephalographic networks in developmental dyslexia after remedial training: a prospective case-control study

Electroencephalographic studies using a graphical theoretical analysis found aberrations in functional connectivity in children with development dyslexia. However, how training with visual tasks can change the functional connectivity of the Semantic Dyslexia Development Network is still unclear. We have sought differences in local and global topological properties of functional networks between 21 healthy controls and … Read more

Psychosocial school environment and health risk behaviours of adolescents in Bulgaria: results from multilevel analysis

Psychosocial school environment and health risk behaviours of adolescents in Bulgaria: results from multilevel analysis

Objectives: The document aims to study the relations between psychosocial environment and health risk behaviors (cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, drunkenness, perpetration of intimidation and early start of sex life) in a representative sample of Bulgarian teenagers . Methods: We apply multilevel analysis, using Bulgarian health behavior data 2017/2018 in the study of school age children … Read more