Electroencephalographic studies using a graphical theoretical analysis found aberrations in functional connectivity in children with development dyslexia. However, how training with visual tasks can change the functional connectivity of the Semantic Dyslexia Development Network is still unclear. We have sought differences in local and global topological properties of functional networks between 21 healthy controls and 22 dyslexic children (8-9 years old) before and after training with visual tasks in this prospective case study. The expanded minimum tree method was used to build the brain networks of subjects in several electroencephalographic frequency ranges during a visual task of Word / Pseudoword discrimination.
We found group differences in the Theta, Alpha, Beta and Gamma bands for four graphical measurements suggesting a more integrated network topology in the dyslexic before training compared to controls. After training, the topology of the network of dyslexic children had become more separated and similar to that of controls. In the strips θ, α and β1-frequencies, compared to the controls, the pre-coaching dyslexics presented a reduced degree and a centrality between the anterior left and parietal temporal regions. The simultaneous appearance in the left hemisphere of temporal and parietal cortex concentries (α, β1), temporal and upper (θ, α), parietal and ocipitotemporal corretips (β1), identified in the normally developing children’s networks n ‘was not present in the cerebral networks of the dyslexic.
After training, the Hub distribution for dyslexic in the Theta and Beta1 bands had become similar to that of controls. In summary, our results indicate a less effective network configuration in the dyslexus compared to a more optimal world organization of controls. This is the first study to study the topological organization of functional brain networks of Bulgarian dyslexic children. The approval of the study was obtained from the Ethics Committee of the Institute of Neurobiology and the Institute of Population and Human Studies.
Thermostable enzymes and polysaccharides produced by thermophilic bacteria isolated from Bulgarian hot springs
Thermozatable enzymes (thermozymes) have been recognized as compounds extremely extremely important biotechnology in different industrial zones. Recently, exopolysaccharides (EPSS) synthesized by thermophiles have become an object of increasing the interest of the research because of their unique properties adapted to certain specific industrial needs. The thermophilic producers of biotechnologically valuable enzymes and new EPS have been isolated by our group of Bulgarian thermal springs with a diverse geotectonic origin and different properties of water.
Laboratory reactor processes for their production have been developed in batch and continuous crops. Some of the synthesized thermostable enzymes were among the first described in their groups, for example, the known single thermostable gellan lyase that demonstrated a specific activity superior to that of mesophilic enzymes. Isolated by US Thermostable Xylanase was able to degrade more than 60% Beechwood Xylan in a coprocess with an archae β-xylosidase. The lipase purified by us was active between 55 and 90 ° C with an optimum at 75-80 ° C in a large pH range. It was able to degrade a wide range of substrates. Isans Bulgarian warm sources synthesized EPS with a new composition and high thermostability. Thus, Bulgarian hot springs are a wide range of thermophilic producers of new enzymes and EPA with a large number of biotechnology applications.
Altered electroencephalographic networks in developmental dyslexia after remedial training: a prospective case-control study
Potential of the enzymatic ligninolytic complex produced by mushrooms of white rot from isolated genus of the Bulgarian forest floor
Due to the crucial role of ligninolytic enzymes in a variety of industrial processes, the demand for a new effective producer has consistently increased. In addition, information on the synthesis of the enzyme by autochatonous fungus strains are very rarely found. Two fungal strains producing ligninolytic enzymes have been isolated from Bulgarian Forest Floor. They have been identified as trogii and T. hirsuta trameters. These two strains were evaluated for their enzymatic activities, laccase (lake), lignin peroxidase (LIP) and peroxidase (MNP) dependent on the culture filtrate according to the temperature and type of nutrient medium. T. trogii has been selected as a better producer of ligninolytic enzymes. The production process has also been improved by optimizing a number of parameters such as incubation time, the type of cultivation, the average volume ratio / air, inoculum size and the addition of inducers .
The maximum enzyme activities synthesized by T. trogii were detected as 11100 U / L for tray, 2.5 U / L for lip and 4.5 U / L for MNP after 14 days of incubation at 25 ° C under conditions Static, average volume ratio / air 1: 6 and 3 plugs as inoculum. Among the supplements tested, 5% glycerol increases the activity of the gap to a large extent. The addition of 1% VERATRLER alcohol had a positive effect on the MNP. Traditional fermented dairy products have been prepared since the ancient period by various civilizations. Despite their long history, their popularity and nutrient and healthy value, the acceleration and industrialization of food production lead to an increase in the diversity of fermented dairy products in the Balkan peninsula.
Description: Rink resin is originally developed for SPS of peptide amides. Now the scope of its application is extended from carboxylic amides to the immobilization of amines, substituted amides.
Description: Proteins separation resin is a hydrophobic interaction chromatography resin that can be used in the monoclonal antibody purification (Particle size: 65 μm)[1].
Following the multitude of food microbe combinations, there are thousands of different types of fermented dairy products – yogurts, yogurt type products and various types of cheeses with proven health benefits. Among these products is the domestic Bulgarian yoghurt “Kiselo Mlyako”, whose anti-aging effect has been scientifically studied at the beginning of the 20th century. The current review overwrites the wide range of traditional fermented dairy products in the Balkan countries, which are the main source of their production.